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About Us



Beyond Christmas is a non-profit organization that commits and encourages EVERYONE
(men, women, boys, girls, families & groups) to commit DAILY Acts of Kindness & Compassion.

We are a Ministry of Faith Good Shephard Chapel Church, ID# 16-1405714.


We are the Random Acts of Kindness & Compassion People. ™

We deliberately commit DAILY - RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness)
SACs (Spontaneous Acts of Compassion™) and
PAKs (Planned Acts of Kindness™).


The mission of Beyond Christmas and its affiliated groups is to prepare men, women, boys and girls to meet their daily needs and encourage them to help meet the needs of others, locally, nationally and even globally.


The United States of America and the nations of the world are filled with people that could use a helping hand and that can be a helping hand. Everyone, regardless of their age, gender or location, has the potential to be of assistance to someone, somewhere, somehow, at some time in their lifetime. 

Several years ago we began secretly paying off Christmas layaway's at Kmart stores and soon many people around the country joined us. 


These Beyond Christmas supporters, lovingly referred to as MOBILE ANGELS, focus on practicing DAILY Acts of Kindness & Compassion while collectively changing the world with their generosity & gratitude - one kind act at a time.

YOU can commit an act of kindness right NOW, by ‘liking’ our Facebook Page and leaving thoughtful comments.

Our Facebook page is a place to share stories, get ideas and to encourage all recipients and EVERYONE to pay it forward by committing small and not so small acts of kindness.

The non-profit is a shared labor of love and as such is 100% volunteer-run. 


VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE DAILY for ideas, quotes & stories that will encourage, inspire and perhaps warm your heart.


We envision a world where people are concerned about and care for one another. A world where people are seeking DAILY opportunities to commit acts of kindness and/or compassion for a family member, a friend and/or a complete stranger.

The world is our goal and we've begun right here at home, in America.

Let’s Make America One™

It's No Laughing Matter

One nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.


Copyright © 2018-2023 Beyond Christmas - All Rights Reserved.

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